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The Showdown

The showdown is a film which is based on Western stand-offs where two characters meet each other in a duel.


However, as it was an experimental college project. The film was going to be shorted down to the moment where the two characters, revealing little information on why they are in the showdown. This film idea insisted on Rock Paper Scissors

The idea consisted on the two characters facing in a battle of rock, paper, scissors where the audience would see the conflict between the two. Extreme close-ups, over shoulder shots and wide shots were necessary in the film as it would convey that idea and build up the tension. Within the production, our crew had 4 people. 2 Actors, 1 Camera operator and 1 Director.

The equipment list was small, we only required a camera and a quiet location which we would be able to shoot the film. Due to the deadline of the project being short, the preproduction aspect wasn't as professional as it could have been. 

The Actors of the film was myself and Chloe. I did also do the screenplay for this short film along with a member of the class. We both split the film in two sections I was going to do the start, he was going to do middle all the way to the end.  As it was an experimental film, we didn't go into depth with props and details which could have been included in the film. However, it was a good step in the right direction nonetheless. 

The final outcome is below! Enjoy!

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